COVID-19 Statement
Updated June 25, 2020
Burton Statement: Responsible Supply Chain Practices During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major health and economic impacts throughout the world. Burton remains committed to responsible purchasing and production practices in the face of this unprecedented situation. We have maintained our standard payment terms with suppliers and we continue to pay in full for orders that are in process or have been completed. We are communicating openly and often with supply chain partners regarding future planning. Burton continues to uphold our commitment to workers’ wellbeing by ensuring that factories are implementing appropriate health and safety measures and that workers have access to functioning grievance mechanisms. We are following the guidance of the Fair Labor Association. Burton has endorsed the International Labour Organisation (ILO) COVID-19 Call to Action in the Global Garment Industry, joining other businesses, organizations, and governments to collectively support manufacturers through the economic disruption of the pandemic and to protect factory workers’ income, health, and employment.
Burton Statement: Responsibly Reopening Our Retail Stores During COVID-19
Burton Family,Below are the detailed steps we’re taking to ensure that when our retail stores open, it is done responsibly to maximize safety for both our employees and store customers. You can read more about our approach in a letter from our CEO, John Lacy, in the Burton Blog.
Contactless Curbside Pickup – NEW!
- Call in your order ahead of time, and let us know when you’ll be there to pick up your items.
- Give us a call once you arrive to let us know you’re there.
- We’ll put your items in a designated pickup area, which may be a table located outside the store or a spot on the sidewalk in front of the store. If preferred, the purchase can be placed directly into the customer’s vehicle trunk.
Pre-Work Heath Screening
- Employees are not to report to work if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or have experienced symptoms in the 72 hours prior to start of shift.
- In order to protect the health of Burton employees, all employees entering Burton facilities will be screened every day for any symptoms that are known to be consistent with COVID-19.
- Employees will have temperature taken with a contactless thermometer prior to start of every shift to determine the individual does not have a fever of 100.4°F or 38°C.
- If an employee is exhibiting any of the Covid-19 symptoms as defined above, that employee will be required to self-quarantine until we have documentation of clean bill of health.
Personal Protection Use
- Facial coverings which cover the nose and mouth, as recommended by the CDC, must be worn by all employees while in Burton locations performing work duties while in the presence of other persons. Reusable cloth facemasks have been provided for all store employees.
- All customers will be required to wear a facial covering where required by state/local law. Where not required by law, all customers will be requested to wear a facial covering, covering the nose and mouth, in order to enter the store. Complimentary facemasks will be provided by the store for all customers who do not have one.
- Exemptions to this request include children and individuals who are unable to wear a facial covering for medical reasons.
- Facemasks must be washed and/or disinfected prior to re-use of each employee shift.
- Employees & customers may choose to wear gloves, but this is not required if handwashing and sanitization protocols are followed.
- Disposable gloves will be provided and available at entrance to store for customers.
- Gloves must be worn by employees when cleaning and disinfecting store.
Personal Hygiene and Handwashing
- Employees are required to wash or sanitize their hands frequently, and directly after interactions with a customer.
- Hand washing must be performed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, as recommended by the CDC.
- If soap and water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol may be used. However, if hands are visibly dirty, always wash hands with soap and water.
- Supplies such as disinfectants, disposable facemasks, disposable gloves, hand sanitizer and soap are required to be stocked at all times.
Social Distancing Protocol
- Employees will be required to adhere to state and local guidelines for social distancing, which are a minimum of 6 feet / 2 meters of distance between all individuals at all times.
- Employees are to maintain social distancing of 6 ft when assisting customers at all times.
- Customers not respecting social distancing guidelines may be asked to leave the store.
- Signage will be posted reminding employees and customers of safety guidelines on both the exterior and interior of store.
Sanitizing and Disinfecting
- The following areas must be disinfected every 3 hours: light switches, drawer handles, product tables, and shelves.
- The following HIGH TOUCHPOINT AREAS must be disinfected EVERY 1 HOUR, but may be disinfected more regularly if needed based on use: cashwrap counter and plexiglass barrier, computers, benches, doorknobs/door handles, entryway doors , all hand sanitizer dispensers.
- The following must be disinfected after each use whenever possible: Phones, computers, writing utensils, breakroom appliances and surfaces, office equipment, employee restrooms and fitting rooms.
- A sanitization station will be located immediately inside the store entrance and will include disposable facemasks, disposable gloves, hand sanitizer, and a trash receptacle.
- Sanitizer will also be stationed throughout the store for customers’ convenience.
Point of Sale
- Cashless payment options are recommended. Cash will be accepted if the customer does not have another option.
- A clear plexiglass barrier must be in place at the POS to allow separation between employees and customers during transactions.
- The payment terminal is to be placed 6 ft/2m away from the workstation if possible and disinfected after each use or as soon as possible.
- During a transaction, employee and customer are to maintain 6 feet/2m of separation at all times.
- Employees are only to handle store provided paper shopping bags. If customers prefer to use their own reusable shopping bags, the customer must bag their purchase themselves, the employee is not allowed to handle the bag.
Fitting Rooms and Product Try On
- Fitting rooms will be temporarily closed until further notice.
- Once Fitting Rooms are permitted to open, all product tried on in the fitting room will be left by customer to be retrieved by employee and all surfaces must be disinfected.
- Any product tried on in the store or left in the fitting room must be moved to the quarantined rack to steam and hold for 24hrs.
- Returned products must be moved to the quarantined rack to steam and held for 24 hours.
- Employees should pull product sizes from backstock for customers to try on whenever inventory allows.
Store Occupancy
- Store occupancy will be limited to comply with state/local requirements.
- Once occupancy is reached, customers will be instructed to wait outside spaced 6 ft apart to enter the store.
Thank you, and we’ll continue to share updates as we have them.