地球のために –

Burton Clean-Up

大好きな地球のために、みんなでゴミ拾いをしましょう。もちろん、Burton Japanでも計画中です。4月29日(金・祝)から5月22日(日)までの間、@burtonjapanと#BurtonCleanUpを付けて、Instagramにゴミ拾いの様子を投稿してください。1投稿につき¥100をProtect Our Winters Japanに寄付します。


We have partnered with Protect Our Winters (POW), the global NGO that unites the outdoor community to fight climate change and ensure the well-being of our mountains and the environment.

One Tree Planted is on a mission to help the environment one tree at a time. Founded in 2014 and based in VT, USA their focus is help the world through reforestation, with projects in Asia, Latin America, Europe and North America. The idea is simple: ONE DOLLAR. ONE TREE.

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